In accordance with Article 21 of the ISU Constitution and ISU Communication No. 2427, elections for the ISU Athletes Commission took place at the 2022 Olympic Winter Games (Speed Skating) and respective ISU Championships 2022 (Single & Pair Skating, Ice Dance, Synchronized Skating, and Short Track Speed Skating). The Athletes Commission 2022-2026 is now complete and is composed as follows (in order of election):

Viktor Knoch
Short Track Speed Skating Athlete

Douwe De Vries
Vice Chair - Speed Skating Athlete

Nathalie Lindqvist
Synchronized Skating Athlete

Evan Bates
Ice Dance Athlete
United States

Eric Radford
Chair and Council member-Pair Skating Athlete
For further information please refer to the ISU Constitution, Articles 21 and 36 and ISU Communication No. 2427.
About the ISU Athletes Commission
The functions of the Athletes Commission are to:
- Learn about the Skaters’ opinions and ideas in order to represent their views within the ISU for topics including but not limited to rules and regulations, events, calendar, promotion and marketing of the sport, health and welfare, Anti-Doping, career preparation, education and life skills. Inform and update Skaters on different activities and developments and raise awareness and educate them on topics of direct concern.
- Represent the rights and interests of Skaters and to make related recommendations, for example the appointment of arbitrators by the International Council of Arbitration for Sport (ICAS).
- Support the ISU in its mission to develop and promote the sport. Consider issues related to Skaters and provide advice to the ISU Council, Technical Committees, Sports Technical Directors, Director General and other internal bodies as appropriate.
- Engage actively with initiatives and projects that protect and support clean athletes on and off the field of play.
- Serve as ambassadors to increase popularity of Skating and inspire youth.
- Encourage and assist National Federations and athletes to establish their own National Athletes’ Commission.
- Maintain contact with the Athletes’ Commission of the IOC.
Contact the Athletes Commission
ISU Athlete Safeguarding Policy
Information about the ISU Athlete Safeguarding Policy and its implementation and reporting procedures can be found here.
Survey on Figure Skating Age Limit
The Athletes Commission conducted a survey in January 2021 regarding the age limit in Figure Skating. The ISU Athletes Commission - Survey on Figure Skating Age Limits is available for download.
IOC long-term research project into the physical and mental health of Olympians
Athletes who participated in the Olympic Winter Games 2022 in Beijing who wish to sign up for the study can do so at, or express their interest by emailing:
More information available
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